Jon Madof Talks About Starting Chant Records, Festivals, And Why Rejection Is Better Than Silence
Jon Madof does things differently, which probably explains his decades-long association with composer/iconoclast, John Zorn. Madof’s bands have recorded for Zorn’s label, Tzadik Records, and his current project, Zion80, fuzes the cantorial melodies of Rabbi Shlomo ...
Death by Audio
The Death By Audio Fuzz War is one of the more aggressive, abrasive, and gnarly fuzz pedals known to man. It was embraced by artists like Ty Segall, John Dwyer (Oh Sees), Chad Ubovich (Meatbodies), Charles ...
Album Spotlight: Big Thief’s Two Hands
BIG THIEF Two Hands Big Thief’s second release of 2019, Two Hands, is raw. On the heels of their exceptional third album, U.F.O.F., the band moved into Sonic Ranch, located in hot, barren Tornillo, Texas, just over ...
From Cornfields to Downtown: John Ugolini Tells the Story of Kickstand Productions
John Ugolini launched his company, Kickstand Productions, after graduating from Northern Illinois University in 2004. He learned the ropes booking rooms in secondary markets in central Illinois before moving into Chicago about a decade ago. ...
Analog Man
AnalogMan, based in southern Connecticut, was boutique before boutique was a thing. The company’s products are handmade, and their core business is clones, updates, and revisions of classic pedals. As the name implies, almost ...
It’s [Not] Only Rock ’N’ Roll: Creative, Venue-Filling Alternatives to DJs and Bands
DJs and bands are great, but some venues and promoters are experimenting with creative alternatives to discover new audiences. One example—which gives new meaning to the term, “ridiculous”—is the Kaiju Big Battel. Part professional ...